2016, നവംബർ 26, ശനിയാഴ്‌ച

Apps That are Not In Google playstore

List of Useful apps which are not available in Playstore:
1. OG YouTube
Allows You to download any videos from YouTube. it also allows Background Play of videos and facilitated with all the features of Original YouTube app.
2. GB Whatsapp
Its a modded version of Original whatsapp which allows you to:
send 90 images at a time, send videos with size more than 30mb etc. It can be use along with the original whatsapp, as a secondary whatsapp(Dual Whatsapp)
Allows you to download ringtones,wallpapers,pro games etc Absolutely Free.
All in one app.
4. Amazon Underground
The Amazon Underground app includes enhanced features that aren't available on the Amazon Shopping app found on Google Play
Shop millions of items including movies, TV shows, songs, books, apps, games, and audiobooks
Get over $10,000 in apps, games and even in-app items that are actually free (available in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and France)
5. Dolby Digital plus apk
It enhances the sound quality of the mobile, by adding quality equalizer to sound player/music player. Can also set custom eq, and it works better than other music eqs.
6. Xperia Music mod
The modded version of xperia music is available for all devices ,in google. We'll not get the original sound quantity of Xperia Music in Xperia phones, since it uses seperate sound engine. The flashable zip version with the z5 sound engine is available, but Root is required.
Overall, Xperia music apk , without root will give good stereo sound .
7. MX Player with .ac3 dts patch
The major problem of MX Player is, it can't play Videos with '.ac3' sound format. But the modded version of mx player, with ac3 support and dts sound enhancement is available in google, which gives better sound and video experience.
8. Gallery For Motorola
By Default, the moto devices do not have a Gallery app, inst it uses Google photos.
But, You can download a simple Gallery app for moto devices, from xda website.
Also, Its very small in size.

2016, നവംബർ 10, വ്യാഴാഴ്‌ച

AdBlock in Android: [No Root] Most Effective Method

Ads- The most annoying thing in Android.  Some of the free apps  contains ads, by default. We cannot block it fully without Rooting. Many AdBlock apps are available for Rooted Android. Here I’m explaining how to Block  Ads(Autoredirecting, Ad windows) while browsing, upto a certain extend without Root .Yes, we can block advertisement , and can use some extra features in Youtube like Direct Downloading of youtube videos, without any third party apps, background play of songs in youtube etc.

Here is the stepswe go:

->      Goto Settings>Apps >Chrome.
->     Uninstall Updates and Disable Chrome.
->     Goto Settings>Apps>Youtube
->     Uninstall Updates and Disable Youtube.
->     Goto Settings>Security. Turn on ‘Unknown Sources”
->     Download and Install UC Browser from Playstore
->        Touch on the 3 lines at the bottom. Swipe to left and touch on  “Tools”
->       Select Adblock from the list

1.       Turn on ‘Ad Blocker ‘ and ‘Powerful  Ad Blocker’

->.   Done. Nomore Autoredirects  while browsing.

->.   For youtube with download an background play option, Download and install “OGYouTube” from Here:OGYouTube Download

->.   With OGYoutube,  You can download any youtube videos directly, Can play in background(Songs),and You will not see any other difference from the original Youtube.You can see downloaded videos in MX Player or ‘Downloads’ app in Appdrawer.

->.   Done. Now you’re free from ads.
->.   Note: if you see an update notification at startup, touch on ‘Later’ Option. Do not Update OGYouTube.

 SEO: OGYouTube Download,YouTube Downloader,AdBlock Android,AdBlock without Root, No Root Adblocking, Android youtube downloader,OGYouTube Download,YouTube Downloader,AdBlock Android,AdBlock without Root, No Root Adblocking, Android youtube downloader,
 OGYouTube Download,YouTube Downloader,AdBlock Android,AdBlock without Root, No Root Adblocking, Android youtube downloader,
 OGYouTube Download,YouTube Downloader,AdBlock Android,AdBlock without Root, No Root Adblocking, Android youtube downloader,
 OGYouTube Download,YouTube Downloader,AdBlock Android,AdBlock without Root, No Root Adblocking, Android youtube downloader,

2016, നവംബർ 4, വെള്ളിയാഴ്‌ച

Supersoft Prophet Pro Malayalam

How to get Supersoft Prophet Malayalam Astrology app for Android?


1. Download and Install Pro version: Supersoft Prophet Pro Malayalam Astrology
2. Choose any of the 2 Icons from app drawer

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