How to flash a6000, w/o pc.
1. Download n install kingroot from google/ps. allow usb Debugging in devoloper options, n then Install.
2.Download ROM From
here n copy to memory card.
2. connect device to wifi/data n root ur device using kingroot.
3. download twrp
4. Download 'Flashify' app from ps, choose 'recovery' and flash the Downloaded twrp.
5. Switch Off mobile.
6. press volume up+volume down+ power n when u feel vibration, remove finger from power button n keep pressing volume up+volume down. it will boot into twrp.
Make full wipe including “system” (data, dalvik, system, cache)
8 : Now go back and click install and then click one level up
9: navigate to downloaded ROM, Flash the ROM and then the Setup Removal Wizard.
Step 6 : Reboot (the first boot can take up to 2-5 minutes)
Thats It!! You have successfully flashed new ROM. U can flash , Gapps, for playstore and other google apps